St. John's wort oil

€9,00 EUR
Tax included.


Health Benefits of St. John's wort Oil:
  • Against colitis.
  • Against kidney problems.
  • Against Hemorrhoids.
  • Against diarrhea.
  • Against disturbances in the urinary tract.
  • Against burns and skin injuries.
  • Against insomnia.
  • Against varicose veins.
  • Against the problems that follow menopause, it balances hormones.
  • Against liver problems.
  • Against inflammation of the ovaries, vaginal infections, fungi and viral infections.


    • St. John's wort oil and virgin olive oil, it is 100% natural, unrefined, unfiltered.


    • St. John's wort is taken in the form of Oil that affects the mood and regulates the emotional balance.
    • It is of particular value in the healing of wounds from cuts, burns, hemorrhoids, it is excellent in closing wounds. The skin should be smeared with St. John's wort oil, or the injured area should be covered with a clean bandage or a clean cloth moistened with St. John's wort.
    • St. John's wort tea is drunk three times a day from a spoonful of 2 ml for the treatment of gastritis, dry mouth, stool, Jaundice (Hepatitis A), headache, kidney pain and pain during the menstrual cycle.
    • In addition to the vaginal pads that you can buy at the pharmacy, for vaginal use you can also use St. John's wort oil, in which you will smear the tampon, let it absorb the oil and then use it as a vaginal pad.