Blue Juniper Oil

€9,00 EUR
Tax included.


Health Benefits of Blue Juniper Oil:
  • Blue plantain essential oil improves circulation and helps remove toxins from the body.
  • Due to its ability to penetrate deep into the skin, juniper oil is used for rheumatism, arthritis and gout and relieves joint swelling
  • It is an excellent diuretic and is used to remove excess water from the body.
  • One of the most common uses of juniper is to relieve stomach aches caused by stress.
  • It also helps people lose weight because every time you urinate, the body loses fat.
  • Juniper oil is good against inflammatory processes in the gums and teeth, strengthens the teeth and prevents them from falling.
  • From the many medicinal ingredients in small doses, it relieves coughing.


      • Excessive use of this plant can lead to kidney damage.

      Not recommended for use by:

      • Plantain products are not recommended for pregnant or lactating women.
      • People with kidney problems should avoid all juniper products due to the presence of turpentine, which may be harmful.